One of those days

July 12, 2014

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I do try to keep everything rainbows and butterflies and happy times around here. But let’s be honest. I live on a ranch. We are basically working against the natural order of the food chain in order to grow these animals up.

Somedays it is great! Then there are days like Hen-agedon.  I won’t even get into that. (Our last remaining turkey is named Anne Frank because she survived the Holocaust.  Unless she turns out to be he, then he’ll just be Frank.) 

So - here is “One-of-those-days.” Please laugh along with me! 

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I got out of the shower to the sound of the bulls fighting in the front. White Echo broke the fence in and was fighting with Vice. Luckily they were evenly matched and by time I went out to break up the bull brawl both where hot, winded and winding down. 

I stood in the middle of the corral with a stick threatening the boys with their very existence till the Western Original could get home to help me fix the corral. Thankfully no one got hurt.

That done I headed to the house to get a much-needed drink of water.

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Low and behold… the destruction! 

100 acres out here to dig, and she picks my flower pots every time! 


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Prim had 4 kittens about a month ago in my Native Boy's closet. For some unknown reason she moved them to the bottom drawer of my dresser recently. 

I went to give them their morning house call, and I could only find two kittens. Where in the world could the other two have gone? There weren’t any dogs in the house. Prim wouldn’t have moved just two! I frantically searched the house. No luck. 

Not good! Where-oh-where did my little cats go?

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Feeling defeated I went outside to hang some laundry on the line (did I mention the dryer has quit me.) And I realized that Leihla was in desperate need of a bath. I will spare you the details, but needless to say - yuck.

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Went back inside with the baby kittens very much on my mind. I pulled out the dresser drawer and Mama Cat Prim jumped from in the drawer to behind the drawer into the “cavity” of the dresser. Aha! Yes I reached back there and the two missing kitties were soonly reunited with their family.

*Sigh* Ok, now to run water and finish chores and put this day behind me.

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Oh look - Booger got himself in trouble.

I say it was karma. He was locked up because he was picking on one of the mares. Then he was a pain in the bulls eye to catch. So he wore the halter. And voila! 

Of corse he pulled back so hard I had to cut him free. There goes another good halter. But again, thankfully, other than being a little sore the Boog man is fine.

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As I was running the water, I got to thinking, “I haven’t seen my ducks all day!”

Nesting duck was were she belonged. But I couldn’t find the others anywhere. Earlier I saw flower-destruction-dog running around all muddy. The hay in the field was cut and baled, but still in the field. So they weren’t irrigating… but there was just a little water in the bottom of the ditch. 

What if the ducks went down into the ditch for the water and because of the slippery mud weren’t able to get out? 

So I started walking the ditch. In the 100 degree wether. With a head ache. And mosquitos. 

To no avail.

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I found them back at home. Safe and sound. Not sure where their new hide-out is, but it must be a good one.

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At the end of the day, it wasn’t a bad day. I got the watering done and the Western Original and I fed. All the animals were accounted for and happily munching hay (or other kinds of sustenance.)  No one died (except for my lovely Lilly plant.) Sometimes that is the most I can hope for out of  a day! 

Thanks for joining me here at the barnyard and letting me vent. I’ll bring the butterflies and rainbows out again next time — hopefully.

Until then - comment below and let me know how your day has been! I love hearing from you.

Above is Gidget and Cowgirl’s Little Moon. The filly is for sale - check her out here.  I added a few new horses for sale. Some good ones too! 

Gidget is about to pop with puppies! Her first litter! And out of my good working dog Chief. I am soooo excited! 

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PS - The farmers markets have started. I am trying to get the garden web page utd. If you are around we’ll see you Saturday mornings in Worland! 

farmers market

© Erin Stiver-Henson 2013